Monday, January 25, 2010

The proof is in the pudding.

I keep my receipts. All of them. From every store.

Yeah, it may seem odd. But its not.

I keep them in one of those expandable folder thingies, and that way I have an easy way to reference old prices of items. What the hell am I talking about?

You get your ad. You look at the prices. Wow! Lookie here cheese is on sale. But is it really? You need some sort of reference point. At least I do anyways.
Bag of X Brand cheese on sale for $3.19
Upon searching my receipts, the original price is $3.25

Sale???! You effin liars!! This shit isnt on sale!
But on a technicality, it is.

Don't believe everything you read. I bet if you wait a week, that cheese (or whatever the hell you want to full in the blank for cheese I don't care) will be on sale for at least a buck less then the current sale price. Promise.
If you need it, buy it. If its something that doesn't usually go on sale you could buy. But if you really don't- WAIT.

Anyways.... I was throwing away the old stuff and heres some goodies from last year.

Ahh, good ol CVS... I bought three 12 packs of Coke, 4 cans of Pringles for the hubs, and 2 things of some shaving stuff that was really nice. I spend $6.26 and saved $20.41.

Moving on...

I chose this one to prove a point. Generics are not for poor people. They are for people who think they are saving money. Not so, my dear friends.
This was for 5 big boxes of Kelloggs cereal, 2 boxes of Barilla noodles, a block of Kraft cheese, 2 loaves of white bread, and two 2-liters of soda. $6.60. Saved $22.99.

This reciept proves that a little can go a long way, while still feeding your family a variety. Sometimes couponing can leave you with processed foods, and not a whole lot of selection. Not for me, I wouldn't poop for weeks. While we all know that it is hard to get fruits and veggies on a limited budget, there are options. My tip is to buy frozen. This could be because I live in the frozen tundra and nothing is truly fresh. Here's the scoop: When a bag of frozen veggies that is usually $2.29 goes on sale 10/$10.... BUY BUY BUY BUY!
This one has 2 boxes of Eggo Waffles, 6 boxes of whole wheat pasta, and 6 bags of frozen veggies (peas, green beans and carrots). $8.24 Saved 21.34

This one was right before I had E3. I was trying to do as much shopping as I could in the casa just in case I went into labor.
8 large boxes of General Mills cereal
3 bottles of Dawn
10 boxes of microwave popcorn (it was the shiiiieeeeet when I was preggo, dont hate!)
2 bottles juice
2 premade pizza crusts
1 bag cough drops
2 packages of english muffins
1 pound butter
3 pounds ground beef
1 bunch of bananas
1 pack of Huggies diapers (before cloth)
1 jumbo pack of toilet paper
1 bottle of Pledge
2 boxes of macaroni and cheese
6 cans of Progresso soup
loaf of bread

Spend $60.81 Save $78.95

I know alot of the stuff I buy looks like odds and ends, its not. Once you become a coupon God/Goddess, you really dont need that much stuff at the store. You have too much at home already! Shopping trips are usually just to fill in the blanks.

Next time, I'll go more in depth about what a sale really is. I think.

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